After Kangana Ranaut ‘targeted’ Diljit Dosanjh on social media, the actor and singer broke his silence. During Punjab Police’s crackdown on radical Sikh preacher and Khalistan supporter Amritpal Singh, and his aides, the Udta Punjab star shared a cryptic note about Punjab on his Instagram Stories after Kangana warned him about supporting Khalistanis.
A fold-hands emoji was added to his Instagram Stories statement as Diljit wrote in Punjabi, “May my Punjab remain prosperous.” Kangana hasn’t responded directly to the singer’s posts, but he posted an Instagram Story hours after Dosanjh trained her guns on her. The actress shared a post on Twitter and Instagram Stories, first posted by Swiggy India, showing a variety of pulses with ‘pulse aagai pulse’ written on them. The meme refers to ‘pols aagai pols (police).
Sharing it, Kangana tagged Diljit and wrote ‘just saying’. On her Instagram stories, the ‘Tejas’ actress added a Khalistan sticker with the word crossed out. “Diljit Dosanjh ji poll aagai (Polls have come)”, she said in another post. She further added a stern reminder, “All those who supported Khalistanis – remember next number tumhara hai, polls aa chuki hai. This is not the time to do anything you please – betraying or attempting to destroy the country will cost you dearly.”
Also Read | Pols Aagai Pols: Kangana Ranaut Warns Diljit Dosanjh For Supporting Khalistanis
As a result of Dosanjh’s support of farmers in 2020, Kangana Ranaut and Diljit Dosanjh were feuding. Dosanjh alleged that she was a Khalistani supporter after he came out in support of the farmers. Furthermore, she claimed that Diljit “misled and encouraged” the farmer agitation, telling her that it would be “hailed by the left media” and awarded.
According to reports, the Punjab Police have issued a lookout notice for radical fugitive leader Amritpal Singh. The police have also alerted all airports so that the fugitive cannot flee to other countries. For allegedly helping radical preacher Amritpal Singh escape their net, police arrested four people earlier today and released seven photographs of the Khalistan sympathiser, including some photos in which he is not wearing a turban, to ask the public for assistance.
Also Read | ‘Do Din Jail Ki Hawa Khilao’ Kangana Ranaut Target Shubh After Diljit Dosanjh
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Written by dhanpreet02• March 23, 2023• 6:50 am• Artist, Blogs, Bollywood, News, Pollywood
Fans Ask ‘Fight On’ After Diljit Dosanjh’s Cryptic Note Following Kangana Ranaut ‘Pols Aagai Pols’ Jibe
After Kangana Ranaut ‘targeted’ Diljit Dosanjh on social media, the actor and singer broke his silence. During Punjab Police’s crackdown on radical Sikh preacher and Khalistan supporter Amritpal Singh, and his aides, the Udta Punjab star shared a cryptic note about Punjab on his Instagram Stories after Kangana warned him about supporting Khalistanis.
A fold-hands emoji was added to his Instagram Stories statement as Diljit wrote in Punjabi, “May my Punjab remain prosperous.” Kangana hasn’t responded directly to the singer’s posts, but he posted an Instagram Story hours after Dosanjh trained her guns on her. The actress shared a post on Twitter and Instagram Stories, first posted by Swiggy India, showing a variety of pulses with ‘pulse aagai pulse’ written on them. The meme refers to ‘pols aagai pols (police).
Sharing it, Kangana tagged Diljit and wrote ‘just saying’. On her Instagram stories, the ‘Tejas’ actress added a Khalistan sticker with the word crossed out. “Diljit Dosanjh ji poll aagai (Polls have come)”, she said in another post. She further added a stern reminder, “All those who supported Khalistanis – remember next number tumhara hai, polls aa chuki hai. This is not the time to do anything you please – betraying or attempting to destroy the country will cost you dearly.”
Also Read | Pols Aagai Pols: Kangana Ranaut Warns Diljit Dosanjh For Supporting Khalistanis
As a result of Dosanjh’s support of farmers in 2020, Kangana Ranaut and Diljit Dosanjh were feuding. Dosanjh alleged that she was a Khalistani supporter after he came out in support of the farmers. Furthermore, she claimed that Diljit “misled and encouraged” the farmer agitation, telling her that it would be “hailed by the left media” and awarded.
According to reports, the Punjab Police have issued a lookout notice for radical fugitive leader Amritpal Singh. The police have also alerted all airports so that the fugitive cannot flee to other countries. For allegedly helping radical preacher Amritpal Singh escape their net, police arrested four people earlier today and released seven photographs of the Khalistan sympathiser, including some photos in which he is not wearing a turban, to ask the public for assistance.
Also Read | ‘Do Din Jail Ki Hawa Khilao’ Kangana Ranaut Target Shubh After Diljit Dosanjh
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