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Balkaur Singh Get Emotional Remembering Sidhu Moose Wala At Steel Bangles Album Launch

Balkaur Singh Get Emotional Remembering Sidhu Moose Wala At Steel Bangles Album Launch - Punjabi Adda Blog

Even today, his fans remember Sidhu Moose Wala through songs, even though he died at a young age. Sidhu Moosewala’s father Balkoor Sidhu was present for the album launch event of Steel Bangles, which was attended by everyone who remembered the late singer Sidhu Moosewala.

Sidhu Moosewala’s first anniversary takes place on May 29, this year. In light of the recent release of the singer’s new song Mera Na, Sidhu Moosewala’s fans still remember him through his songs. After the release of this song, it received millions of views and a great response from the audience.


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Balkoor Sidhu, the father of Sidhu Moosewala, recently attended the album launch of British record producer Steel Bangles, who are of Indian Punjabi descent. Meanwhile, his pictures and videos have gone viral.

Also Read | Sidhu Moose Wala Song ‘The Last Ride’ Over 100 Million Spotify Streams

In these pictures, Sidhu Moosewala’s father Balkaur Sidhu is seen attracting everyone’s attention. It is important to note that many other famous stars attended this album launch as well. Who remembered Sidhu Moosewala? Meanwhile, Steel Bangles himself became very emotional after seeing the pain of his father Balkaur Singh.


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Meanwhile, Sidhu Moosewala’s father spoke and said that the magic of his son’s voice continues. “I hope it continues,” he said. Everyone in the country and abroad is giving a lot of love to my son. Moosewala’s song ‘Mera Na’ is also included in Steel Bengals’ album. Moosewala’s hologram program will start soon, he said. It was he who thanked the audience and Sidhu’s fans, appealing for them to support him in his fight for justice.

Also Read | Who Makes Sidhu Moose Wala Artwork Of 18,500 Crystal In Mera Na Song?

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