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Bambiha Gang Death Threat To Karan Aujla & Sharry Mann After Video Goes Viral With Lawrence Bishnoi’s Brother

Bambiha Gang Death Threat To Karan Aujla & Sharry Mann After Video Goes Viral With Lawrence Bishnoi’s Brother - Punjabi Adda Blog

Earlier, Karan Aujla clarified the rumors regarding his viral video in which he is seen with Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother. Karan Aujla and Sharry Mann, who attended the event, have been threatened on Facebook by Jassa Group, which is affiliated with the Bambiha gang. However, the singer clarified that he was unaware of people attending.

Also Read | Karan Aujla Issues Statement After A Video Goes Viral With Lawrence Bishnoi Brother

This is true. Jassa Group wrote in a post that Karan Aujla and Sharry Mann can clarify all they want, or enjoy events with Lawrence gang all they want, but Bambiha Gang will certainly settle their accounts.

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A post viral on social media: –

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa waheguru ji ki Fateh ji, Hanji ke hal ah sareya prawa da, ah ju kush pishle dina da ma vekh reha ki sidhu moose wala de moot magru kyia ne fyida te osde priwar da saath deen de tha godi media ne lewrnce bishnoi choor nu interview rahi mashoor kreya te hun ode choor pra anmol bishnoi nu media ne Karan aujla te Sharry maan nal nachde vekh leya, ehna 2 dalleya nu meri ik salah ah ke karan aujla te Sharry maan nu, tunda bhi hisaab kra geh dalleyo’ jineya sfaiya denia deh layo te jina nachana nach lo, baki lewrnce choor kade Salman khan nu damkiya deh reha kade sidhu moose wale de pariwar nu esde group wale damkiya deh rahe, lewrnce bishnoi choor yaad krla jadu yodha kotha guru wale ne tera moot vich kadeya c nabha jail ch, fr tu chalan poya leya c doje din jail chu, eh oh bande a ju dojeya te he depend rehnde te ap chohe de tra luk ke khudd ch beth jande te jimewari lee lende, hun lewrnce choor ne te esde pra anmol ne te chori shad ke Puniabi singra nal nachna shuru krta, ohbi America ch, hun Goldy brar reh geya kal nu ohbi ehna nal nachda vikh jana, ju kam amit aroa kar reha ohi eh kr rahe, “sale nachar, baki rahi gal Sidhu moose wale da insaaf daboon de gal oh asi dwa wage insaaf, baki kyia da jail ch he kutapa la ke sabat krta sade prawa ne ki tuhnde okaat ki c, baki jine bhi sidhu de case ch namzad ah sareya da hisaab kra ge, baki Punjab govt nu chida ke sidhu moose wale de ghardeya nu”.

Bambiha Gang Death Threat To Karan Aujla & Sharry Mann After Video Goes Viral With Lawrence Bishnoi’s Brother - Punjabiadda Blog

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Anmol and Goldy Brar are thought to be behind the assassination of Sidhu Moose Wala after an investigation from Punjab Police. Lawrence, from inside Tihar Jail, hatched the plan. Anmol and Sachin, his nephew, together with gangster Goldy Brar followed through with it. They succeeded in killing Moose Wala and supplying the people behind it with guns and passports. Lawrence took precautionary measures for his brother by providing fake documents for both Anmol and Sachin prior to Moose Wala’s death.

As mentioned in Karan Aujla’s recent post, he had already been threatened and extorted by a gangster, and now the lives of Karan and Sharry are in danger. Let’s hope the officials will look into this issue as soon as possible.

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